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Gratitude vs. Material Possessions


Friday Focus

In this day and age we have more material possessions than ever before thanks to the advancement of society over the past few hundred years. We have more than ever before and most of these material possessions are not necessities of life. These material possessions don’t last, they are shallow items that are mostly only status symbols of our positions in life. On the other side, gratitude is an invaluable part of our lives, it express true appreciation for all things that we have in our lives. If we are not grateful for the things that we already possess then those items are really worthless. No matter how little you have be grateful for it and more things will come into your life. When we are grateful, we bring more happiness into our lives, showing true appreciation for what the universe has given us. We must learn to focus on what we have instead of what we don’t currently have in our lives. Be grateful no matter what, even if you aren’t satisfied where you are in life. Take action to get more out of life but never be ungrateful, being ungrateful is poison to progress. Know that material possessions are not necessities of life but luxuries, don’t allow them to determine your success in life. Instead allow gratitude, purpose and happiness be the determining factors to the height of your life’s success.

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