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Different types of protein

Proteins are the building blocks for muscle, no matter what you want to achieve in terms of creating your dream body you can’t do it without having quality protein. Proteins are made up of amino acids with each amino acid having its own factors in aiding in muscle repair as well as growth. Each protein found in food has a different amino acid profile, meaning that the speed that it is digesting and the quality of the protein varies. Nutrient timing is essential with protein, maximizing this vital macronutrient throughout each meal of the day. You should have a quicker digesting protein for the first meal of the day such as egg whites or whey, replenishing your muscles from a night of fasting. Steady digesting protein such as chicken, turkey, soy, or fish can be eaten at any point in the day. Slower digesting protein sources such as beef and casein should be taken either a few hours after a workout or before going to bed. Each protein is also available in powder form as a meal replacement, but the majority of your protein intake for each day should come from food sources. If you workout regularly you should be consuming one gram of protein per pound of bodyweight. Learn to use each type of protein to its maximum advantage and build the body that you truly want.

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