Powerful beyond measure
Thursday Empowerment “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate, our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our...
Wednesday Word Energy is the substance that comprises our entire universe, from our sun down to the littlest molecule everything is made...
Saying yes to your life
Tuesday Transformation When we go through this journey of life society will tell us not to take too many risks and to not cause too much...
Defining Success
Monday motivation There are several perceptions of what we define as success in our lives. It is a perception that for each one of us is...
Sunday Success Story: Abraham Lincoln
Sunday Success Story The greatest president that the United States has ever had, he led the country through a civil war that lasted four...
Embrace being uncomfortable
Saturday Persistence In order to get more out of life we have to pay a price for what it is that we desire. Life will ask of us something...
Alarm Clock vs. Snooze Button
Friday Focus Most of us have an alarm clock that awakes us at a given time of the day, marking the start of a new day. For some waking up...
Tears of Joy
Thursday Empowerment Crying tears of joy represents a landmark time in your life where the emotions of pure happiness overwhelm you. It...
Wednesday Word Faith is an invisible force that can’t be seen but it is all around us. Without faith nothing would be achieved for the...
Becoming Positive
Tuesday Transformation There are two types of people in this world, those who are positive and those who are negative. Which type of...