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Sunday Success Story: Abraham Lincoln


Sunday Success Story

The greatest president that the United States has ever had, he led the country through a civil war that lasted four bloody years and took countless lives. He freed the slaves and became a martyr for his efforts. His success as the 16th president didn’t come without his own struggles in life. As a child he lived in rough conditions on the frontier, his mother died when he was 9 and was forced to work to support his family. Lincoln failed in business and spent 17 years paying off debts that he owed to friends. At 26 while engaged to his fiancée his sweetheart died, he was heartbroken and spent the next six months in bed from a nervous breakdown. Lincoln later got into politics, losing 8 elections before he became president. When Lincoln finally became president the Union was dissolving and eventually split into two States. The civil war broke out between two sides the Union and the Confederacy. At first the Union was continuously lasing battles and it seemed that the United States and democracy would dissolve. During that time Lincoln lost his son William, it was one of his darkest hours. For two years the Union teetered on the brink of disaster, Lincoln never lost faith and eventually the Union began to win. At the same time Lincoln was attempting to free the slaves, signing the emancipation proclamation and later making the 13th amendment a reality, freeing the slaves. The confederates lost the war and the United States became one nation again. Unfortunately Lincoln did not see all of his efforts through he was assassinated by John Wilkes Booth. Lincoln was a man who believed in charity for all and malice toward none, he was a peaceful man wise beyond his years. Through all of the adversities in his life Lincoln persevered through them all, the perfect man to lead America through its toughest time. No matter what you have gone through or what you are currently going through remember that you have the strength within you to persevere through it. Something amazing awaits you around the corner. Keep pushing and never give up on life, it is a precious experience that will unfold something beautiful to you.

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