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Listen to your heart


Monday Motivation

For every person there is always one thing that excites our soul and gets our heart beating with passion. For most of us it is the dreams and ambitions that we have for our lives. With the dreams and ambitions we have comes the true purpose that we should make our life’s endeavor. Your heart tells you what you should truly do with your life, the energy it emanates when we are engaged in something that we truly love doing. That passion will allow you to get through the tough times that come with pursuing any worthwhile purpose. Your passion towards that purpose will give you an unlimited supply of energy, allowing you to work longer and go off of less sleep. You get out of bed in the morning with a sense of conviction towards our purpose, you carry yourself with more confidence. When you are living your purpose, a deep sense of fulfillment and happiness will stem from it. Make those coveted dreams a reality for your life, no matter how ambitious they may be. By accomplishing your dreams your heart and soul become nourished, every day is an excited adventure for your life. You will become an influential person that can benefit all those who come into contact with you. The time you have left on earth will be a beautiful journey that you are in control of, savoring every second of the day. Listen to your heart and chase your true purpose in life, you won’t regret it!

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