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Tears of Joy


Thursday Empowerment

Crying tears of joy represents a landmark time in your life where the emotions of pure happiness overwhelm you. It happens when a great event in your life occurs such as getting married, having a child or reaching one of your dreams. These moments in life release an indescribable happiness into our lives. It is something that our soul yearns for and allows us to live life to the fullest. These moments in time are carved into our memories for the rest of our lives. Our dreams and ambitions that we chase keep us young inside whether the times are good or bad. The tears of joy come when our blood, sweat and tears went to their achievement and they become a part of our day to day lives. The feelings that come at the end of the journey to your dreams are ones of pure bliss and fulfillment. In order to have these emotions for our lives we must prioritize our lives by what is important to us and most of all what excites our soul. Your happiness in life is most important to you so why waste it doing something that you don’t enjoy. Know what you want out of life and begin to take action towards achieving it. The things that will truly make you happy are the things that are intangible. Bring your life to the point of tears and live every day as if it were your last on earth. Time is the most precious commodity that we have so don’t waste a minute of it. Follow your bliss and have a positive impact on the world around you.

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