Fear vs. Courage
Fear is an emotion that is genetically coded into our DNA, it has been around since the beginning of mankind. Courage also has been...
Bliss vs. Utopia
These two words convey indescribable beauty and powerful emotions. Bliss being the ultimate form of happiness, having a deep sense of joy...
Limits are something that has been setup by mankind since the beginning of our existence. Whether it is how far we can travel, how much...
Imagination vs. Knowledge
Friday Focus “Imagination is more important than knowledge.” A quote that Albert Einstein once said, this is a true statement. Knowledge...
Wednesday Word In life most of us just survive, only getting what is needed for the bare bones necessities of life. We try not to get...
Quality vs. Quantity
Friday Focus There are two types of output that released into the world, quality and quantity. For some quantity is ramping out sheer...
Wednesday Word Energy is the substance that comprises our entire universe, from our sun down to the littlest molecule everything is made...
Tears of Joy
Thursday Empowerment Crying tears of joy represents a landmark time in your life where the emotions of pure happiness overwhelm you. It...
Wednesday Word Faith is an invisible force that can’t be seen but it is all around us. Without faith nothing would be achieved for the...
Sunday Success Story: Albert Einstein
Sunday Success Story Albert Einstein was one of the greatest scientists in human history, his ideas and concepts changed the way we look...