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Fear vs. Courage


Fear is an emotion that is genetically coded into our DNA, it has been around since the beginning of mankind. Courage also has been around since the beginning of our existence. Both have made the difference when it has come to building great people, whether it has been in the military, business or even peaceful movements. Fear has crippled more people than anything else in the history of mankind. In order to make the make of your life you must begin to conquer the fears that you have. Gain courage to break away from average, you deserve so much more for your life. Believe in yourself and in your dreams because they are worth it. Fears are only an illusion within your mind, they do not exist and they cannot harm you. Take action today to make your dreams become a reality, it only takes one step to get your momentum moving in the right direction. Make the decision to be courageous with your life and never allow fear to stop you in any way.

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