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Wednesday Word

Energy is the substance that comprises our entire universe, from our sun down to the littlest molecule everything is made up of energy. Every human and living thing is made up of countless atoms that are energized in harmony. Everything that we see as a solid is actually comprised of atoms vibrating to make it appear solid. Energy is harmonized into a positive or negative charge, we create this charge within our own minds. If you charge your mind to be positive then positivity will surround you through the law of attraction. The same goes for charging your mind negatively. Energy attracts to other forms of energy that are on the same frequency. Energy can’t be created or destroyed only transferred, when transfer the energy that comprises our lives through the manifestation of the thoughts we think. Our thoughts hold immense power for our lives, they can take us to the heights of ecstasy or bring us down to the depths of despair. If you want to change your world you must first change the thoughts within your mind, backed by action the universe will begin to move in your favor. Whatever excites your soul focus your thoughts on that, if it excites your energy then it is something that is worth pursuing. Maximize the energy you have towards your dreams using passion to attract more energy to make those dreams become a reality. Build a positive atmosphere within your mind and continually energize yourself. The universe will release to you everything necessary to achieve your life’s ambitions. Energy is everything, match the energy within to the energy of what you want to achieve. Transfer your energy to constructive causes and live the life of your dreams.

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