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Imagination vs. Knowledge


Friday Focus

“Imagination is more important than knowledge.” A quote that Albert Einstein once said, this is a true statement. Knowledge is limited, it can only take us so far for our lives. Imagination is the faculty were everything new for our lives is created. All of the great inventions and concepts that we have in the world today were created in someone’s imagination. Knowledge is only useful when it is focused on achieving a certain task or endeavor. We must organize our knowledge in alignment with what we want to achieve in our lives. Knowledge has its place in our lives but the only limit that we have lies in the ability within our imagination. Allow your imagination to run wild because it will make your life a wonderful adventure. One filled with happiness and fulfillment, allow your imagination to create new dreams for your life. Crave to gain new knowledge that will add value to your life in some way. You were put on this earth for a reason, find your purpose using your imagination and use knowledge to attain that purpose. Both of these qualities will take you to where you want to be in your life.

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