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Alarm Clock vs. Snooze Button


Friday Focus

Most of us have an alarm clock that awakes us at a given time of the day, marking the start of a new day. For some waking up is an easy task, jumping out of bed and making the most of the day. For others it is an ordeal of “5 more minutes of sleep” continually pressing the snooze button, delaying their day even further. The difference between these two groups of people is those who get right out of bed have a purpose in life, they realize that every second counts and they intend to make the most of today. The other group have yet to find their purpose in life, they lay in bed with their dreams, dreading the day because they are not living it to the fullest. There are two choices when you wake up each morning, you can either sleep with your dreams or you can get up and chase those dreams, taking action to make them a reality. Don’t press the snooze button, it is a waste of time, get up and begin to take action for today. Make it a habit to wake up early and punish the competition that stands in the way of your dreams. Don’t waste another minute lying in bed, time is life’s most valuable commodity and it is something that you can never get back. Utilize every minute to get closer to achieving your dreams. Something we have to sacrifice sleep in order to get more time in the day, it is a necessary sacrifice if what you are engaged in excites your soul. When we are striving towards a dream we seem to never tire because it is something that is enjoyable to us. Do what excites you and will make you jump out of bed every morning to start chasing that dream. Your dreams are the touchstone of who you are and the make you will leave on this earth. Make of your life a dream and of a dream a reality.

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