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Forgive and Forget


Tuesday Transformation

In today’s society when someone does us wrong what the majority of the population will do is either retaliate against that person or hold a grudge against that person. It has been this way for thousands of years where people always ask for an eye for an eye. What these people don’t know is that the grudges that we hold against others it hinders our own progress in life. It hurts us because we focus on that grudge and when we do that our mind manifests thoughts towards that person, creating more situations to have grudges about. We must learn to forgive others for what they have done to us even though it may be a difficult thing to do. When we forgive others it strengthens our character and allows us to grow in life. Our time is limited so don’t waste it fighting with other people. Forgive them and be the bigger person, you will feel much better in the end. Use the experiences as a learning curve for how you interact with others in future situations. We must learn to be more understanding of others needs and perceptions. Everyone has a different version or different opinion and being understanding of it helps us become a more likable person. When we learn to forget and forget the possibilities for our lives become much more abundant. Build your character and learn to always be the bigger person, your life will be much more happy because of it.

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