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Keep moving the wheel


Saturday Persistence

The wheel of life is moving no matter what we do, with each revolution time is ticking away from our lives. Inside this wheel is what we desire most in life, our dreams and ambitions. They determine how fast this wheel may move and for how long it can continue to move. When we decide to pursue our dreams the revolutions of the wheel must change because we are asking for more out of ourselves and out of life. We must never stop taking action, continually turning the wheel of our dreams. Keeping our foot on the gas pedal to speed up those revolutions and separating ourselves from the rest of the pact. There will be curves in the road along the way, make the necessary adjustment to keep moving forward. Go over the bumps and keep your resolve, it will be worth it in the end. You alone are the driver of your own life and only you can determine what direction you take. Don’t allow the wheels of your life just to be on autopilot, instead go for a real adventure in life. Take the risk and get to the destination that you truly want to arrive at.

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