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Being Respectful


Tuesday Transformation

Being respectful is a quality that we all should have, it allows us to become a more influential person and someone who is thought of highly. Before we can learn to be respectful we must first be respectful to ourselves. Respect for ourselves is incredibly important, without self-respect others will not have respect for you. Take care of your body and don’t go against the values and morals that you have for your life. Have faith in yourself as well as your dreams, build self-confidence towards your life’s purpose. Don’t have an ego, be humble in front of others because it will build respect. Take time to genuinely listen to others, it has a powerful effect on how others view you. Also have an understanding of others opinions, each one of us has a different perception on life. Develop a strong sense of patience with other people, all these things will build respect that others have for you immensely. By respecting others we will become more successful as well. Respect other as well as yourself, without respect success can’t happen for your life. Build respect and build your dreams, both will bring your lasting success in life.

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