Chance vs. Choice
Friday Focus
In today’s society many people believe that any degree of success happens by luck or chance, that others where “at the right place at the right time”. These people believe that others who have attained success have achieved it overnight with little effort. Success isn’t something that happens by chance, it is the result of blood, sweat and tears every single day to achieve a purpose. Success is a choice that we make for our lives and you are the only person in control of that choice. Every one of us has the choice to achieve success for our lives, the “luck” that is involved are in the form of opportunities as a result of continuous action. The choice to get more out of life begins in your mind, you must believe that you can achieve success in any of your life’s endeavors. We always have the choice to attain success no matter what you have been through or what your current situation is. Make the choice today to make the most of your life and begin to work hard at it. Take the chance on your dreams and make them inevitable for your life through continuous action and unwavering persistence.