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Wednesday Word

Essence is the heart or the core of who we are. It is comprised of our character, morals and values that each one of us have. Some are different than others but we are all the same when it comes to essence. How well do you know yourself? Do you have a deep understanding of who you really are? Each one of us must have an understanding of who we are at our very core, that way we may see what we like and don’t like about our current character. From there we can begin to change ourselves and grow into who we truly want to be. Our dreams and ambitions that we have for our lives is also part of who we are as a person. They are the passion that keeps us young inside and are something that we should be pursuing. The things that we love most in life are the things that we should be spending the majority of our time doing. Love is a quality and emotion that we can never have enough of. Get to know who you really are at the deepest level possible, begin at the core and make the necessary changes that you want to make. Begin the pursuit of your dreams that you know in your heart will bring you lasting happiness. Fill your life with love because it will make your life something of immense beauty. Make the essence of your life the priority of your endeavors, get to the core and build a strong foundation that will make you the best person that you can possibly be.

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