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Supplement Spotlight: CLA

Conjugated Lionic Acid or CLA for short is a super supplement. No matter what your fitness goals are CLA can benefit your health in some way. It lowers inflammation in the body, aiding in recovery after each workout. For general health it helps fight cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure and high cholesterol by increase the good cholesterol in your body. It has been shown to fight certain types of cancers by reducing the tumors that are created. It also can boost your immune system and low your insulin resistance. Those are only the general health benefits of taking this supplement, it also has benefits towards your fitness goals. CLA helps you burn body fat (especially around the midsection), while at the same time preserving your hard earned muscle. In order to use this supplement to maximize its benefits you must have a solid training regimen as well as a proper nutrition plan. This supplement is definitely worth adding to your supplementation regimen.

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