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Our minds are one of the most powerful concepts in the universe, it is astonishing what we can accomplish as humans while using only 10% of our brainpower. Human history has evolved from roaming the plains to building ancient empires to being the technologically advanced society that we are today. One part of the mind is the back of these innovations that we as humans have experienced and that is imagination. Imagination is the most important of the mind because it allows every person to create new ideas and concepts for the world to see. Our imaginations create the world around us, everything great that we can physically see all started with a thought. The imagination is the only limit that we have for our lives, so allow it to run wild because you never know what you’ll come up with. Never limit your dreams and ambitions because you don’t believe it to be possible. Understand why you were put on this earth because that alone could possibly change the world. Your imagination is the key to unlock the unlimited potential that you have within, open the door and see what is truly possible for your life.

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