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Sunday Success Story: George Washington


The man who led our army to gain independence for this great nation. He was the first president of a newly formed United States, defeating at that time the greatest empire in the world. As with many great leaders, Washington had his struggles to arrive at success. During the French-Indian wars he was a British officer that had several defeats. Years later when the revolution began to take root, he offered to command an army of untrained farmers to fight the greatest army in the world, the British Empire. During the first few years of the war the continental army lost battle after battle, it looked as if the revolution was going to be lost. Morale was low and the continental army needed a victory desperately. That victory came with the battle of Trenton. The war began to turn around and eventually ended with the victory at Yorktown. The country had gained its independence and America became a country. Later Washington became president, serving for two terms. Building the country in the early stages, he helped in several ways to help make America the country it is today.

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