Procrastination vs. Initiative
These two concepts are on different ends of the spectrum and both have made an impact on this earth. Procrastination is the evil that has crippled mankind since the beginning of existence. Procrastination is the killer of dreams, it is a time waster that burns up life’s most valuable commodity. Procrastination never brings about success in any form, it is a limiting factor that keeps anyone in the depths of mediocrity. In order to get more out of life we must destroy the habit of procrastination. On the other side of procrastination is initiative, an action based concept that makes anything possible for our lives. Initiative is a must to gain success in any endeavor in life. Take the initiative towards achieving your dreams, get the momentum going and never look back. The only way that procrastination can be killed is by taking the initiative towards something worthwhile. Today is a perfect day to start taking action towards your dreams and get more out of life.