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Sunday Success Story: FDR


Franklin D. Roosevelt was one of the greatest presidents in the history of the United States, he accomplished countless feats during his time in office. He became president during the great depression where millions of Americans were without work. With his program the “New Deal” the economy was slowly able to rise out of the great depression. He led the United States into the Second World War, fighting in both the Atlantic and Pacific. He led the country through tough times and prevailed, making the country stronger than ever. FDR did not have an easy life, he was struck with Polio as an adult which left him crippled. This did not stop him from living his life to the fullest. He became the only president in our history to serve four consecutive terms. Helping the country out of the great depression and through World War Two. Eventually fighting a war on two fronts took its toll and he died from exhaustion. Franklin D. Roosevelt was one of those men that come around once every century, able to fight through overwhelming odds to attain victory for the people.

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