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Positive vs. Negative


There are two types of energy in this world, positive and negative. This is especially true when it comes to the energies that each person emits to the world. Our energy emitted plays a vital role in how our lives are lived. If we want to have a happy life that is what we dream of having. Being negative with your life is a waste of time, time that you can never get back. Being either positive or negative begins with a battle in your mind, it is the manifestation of the thoughts that you think. We must create a positive atmosphere in our minds in order to live life to its absolute fullest. Positivity towards a purpose, backed by belief and action eventually make it become a reality. What has to happen is that you must develop a way to block out any negative influences in your life. You can help yourself by surrounding yourself with positive people, people that will make you perform at your best every day. Learn from the negative influences that have limited you in the past because it will help you block that influence out if it ever comes back in your life. Positive must always dominate the negative in your life because it cripples any limiting concepts that are in your life. Make your life positive so that anything can become possible for your life.

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