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Eating Carbs at night

The debate that eating carbs at night is bad isn’t all true. It all depends on the goals that you have for your fitness journey. If fat loss is your goal then taking in carbs for the last two meals of the day is going to be counterproductive in reaching your goal. Also having a slower metabolism effects the way your body can process carbs late in the day. On the other hand if you have a faster metabolism or are training to build muscle then a carb option later in the day might be a viable option. The second to last meal of the day can have a slow digesting carb source to aid in recovery from a tough workout. Also the last meal of the day may contain carbs if you are training a weak body part the following day. If you are someone who is sensitive to carbs then don’t eat carbs at night. Add in a slow digesting protein source like casein to give your body continual nutrient while you sleep.

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