Supplement Spotlight: Casein Protein
Protein supplements play a vital role in our day to day fitness journey, helping us get the proper amount of protein that our body needs to optimally perform at its best. Whey protein plays an essential role after our workouts, feeding our muscles quick digesting protein to aid in recovery. Casein protein also plays a vital role in helping shape our bodies. Casein is a slow digesting protein found in dairy products. It normally takes around 5-7 hours to fully digest in the stomach, perfect for a steady stream of amino acids. Casein protein is a great option before bed whether you are trying to build muscle or trying to lose body fat. Drinking a casein shake 30 minutes before bed will help you feel less hungry throughout the night. It also acts as a good meal replacement if you don’t have time to make a quality protein meal. You can also add it with whey protein to create a steady release protein shake after your workouts or as a meal replacement at any point in the day. My personal favorite is Optimum Nutrition Casein, it has great taste and is high quality protein. Pick up a tub of casein today to help your nutrition thrive towards your dream body.