Getting proper rest
In the process of creating our dream bodies we can become burned out at times. We want to keep the intensity high for our workouts but each workout is a struggle to keep going. We all go through training slumps. It is essential to get proper rest to avoid overtraining, preventing injuries as well as busting through any plateaus you may experience. Make sure that you take days off from the gym to allow your body to properly recover from workouts. Also have a set time that you go to bed and wake up to maximize the sleep you get each night, at least 7-9 hours per night. Take time each day to de-stress from life’s daily challenges. Also listen to your body, it knows when it is time to take a break from training. Don’t be afraid of taking a week off if needed, it will help your body rejuvenate in order to come back even stronger. One of the most important things is to continually fuel your body with the right nutrients before and after you workout. In order to achieve the dream body you want so badly, you must take time off periodically to maximize training results.