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Good Fat vs. Bad fat

Fat is a macronutrient that is often misunderstood by mainstream society. Saying that it is bad if a food has too much fat in it. Part of that statement is correct, certain food that contain fat are bad for your health. Foods that are processed as well as high in trans-fat and saturated fat have several health risks such as increased risk of heart disease, high cholesterol and obesity. On the other hand there are fats that are healthy for you and can actually help you burn body fat as well as make you healthier overall. These fats are unsaturated, such as omega 3’s, DHA, EHA and several others. Each type of healthy fat has its own benefits like increased heart health, eye health, joint support, lowering cholesterol and countless other health benefits. Fats mostly occur in foods, such as animal meat and nuts. Salmon, walnuts, almonds, olive oil, eggs, etc… Since fats have more calories than protein and carbs you must watch how many grams that are consumed daily. Utilize fats to your advantage no matter what your fitness goals are, they are a key resource in helping you achieve your dream body.

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