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Strengthening your roots

The foundation in which you place yourself on, your character, values, habits, actions that comprise the person that you currently are determine how successful or how unsuccessful you are in your life. Imagine yourself as an oak tree, your roots are what keep you in the ground, it is the foundation of how strong you are. Can you stand up to a strong gust of wind or will you topple over? Who you are at your very core determines how your life plays out. Are you complacent with where you currently are? Are you going to settle for a life of mediocrity, not knowing what could happen if you gave life your all? That foundation is the crucial to your success in life, it must be solidly built before any lasting success can happen. The dreams, aspirations and ambitions that you have for your life is a sign from life that those are the endeavors that you should be pursuing towards making them a reality. The process of who you become when you begin the journey and the continual steps that follow are more important than the achievement of the goal itself. The essence of life is growth, without growth life has no meaning. Understand at a deep level of who you truly want to become and what impact you want to have on this earth. The roots that you plant into the ground become the strength that is needed to accomplish the dreams that you have for your life. Dig your roots deep into the ground and from there see who you can truly become in the journey of your life.

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