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The Seed That Starts It All

Thursday Empowerment

Everything great in life all begins with one thing and that is thought. All of the great empires, industries, leaders and visionaries all began with a thought that was the seed to soon become reality. Thoughts are the seeds of your life. They have immense power behind them. Our lives are a manifestation of the thoughts that we create. It truly is a beautiful thing because no matter how bad things are or what adversities we are currently going through we have the power to turn the tide in an instant. It begins in our own minds, shifting our thoughts to what we truly want in life. Watering and nurturing these thoughts in the early stages by backing them with continuous action. If we listen to our heart and allow these thoughts to grow in our own minds they will sprout into our realities and carry us. These thoughts when given enough power will create the realities that we truly desire and we will live a life of bliss. Trust the process that the seed of thought once planted will grow into something magnificent.

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