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Sink or Swim

Saturday Persistence

We all have dreams and we all have desires in life. There are things that we want to accomplish and certain characteristics that we want to become. Most of us just deter ourselves from even believing that we can achieve our dreams. Aimlessly walking through life, not enjoying life to the fullest. Then at the end of our lives our regrets take the place of dreams. All we had to do was take the risk in chasing our dreams. In order to accomplish our dreams or become who we truly want to be in life we must take the risk to chasing our dreams. No matter what you have as your resources to begin, there will never be a perfect time. Start now and chase your dreams and desires, the necessary resources that you will need will come to you once you begin to walk down the path that you desire most. Gaining valuable life experiences along the way. Take the leap of faith and pursue your dreams with everything you have. We must sink or swim when it comes to our dreams. When we do this suddenly we begin to do our best work. All you need is to just barely stay afloat, even if your nose is the only thing above the water. Stay afloat now and eventually you will be on solid ground, which you have built beneath your feet that is the life of your dreams. Time to sink or swim in your dreams, build those dreams beneath your feet and create the utopia that is your life.

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