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Getting your priorities straight


Motivation Monday

We all have priorities for our lives, some more important than others. For most family and friends are the most important aspects of our lives followed by hobbies, work and other endeavors. But for some reason so many of us don’t even realize that we aren’t prioritizing our dreams, either feeling that we can’t accomplish them or that it will take too much effort to achieve them. A question that we must ask ourselves is: what will make us happiest in our lives? I believe that your dreams should be at the top or near the top of your priorities in life. In order to live life to the fullest and have a life full of bliss we must know what is TRULY important in our lives. Straightening our priorities to be in better alignment with our dreams and getting rid of what’s dragging you down in life. Having a deep understanding of who we ultimately want to become. We all can prioritize but that only may go so far, we must also know what we truly want for our lives and set our priorities by these concepts. Then take immense action to make your dreams become a reality. Those priorities will bring you lasting happiness in life, do not settle for anything less than the priorities that comprise your dream life.

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