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Overcoming Obstacles


Saturday Persistence

In life there are always going to be obstacles that stand in your way. Obstacles heed the way progress even if only for a short period of time. For some obstacles are a crippling event, killing dreams and ambitions at the slightest sign of resistance. Anything worth having in life will have obstacles along the way, it is an inevitable part of life. What we must realize is that these obstacles are there for a reason. Obstacles strengthen our resolve towards our ambitions and helps us grow into the character that we want to become. They build intangible qualities through tough times, the only time these qualities may be sufficiently built. Obstacles are nothing more than something to go over, go around or break through. Nothing can stand in the way of your dreams and ambitions. Obstacles only make victory that much sweeter. Persevere through all obstacles in your path to success and great things will be on the horizon.

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