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Body Language


Tuesday Transformation

When we speak, we convey the words that have been spoken, transferring them to one set our multiple sets of ears for others to listen to. But what most of us don’t realize is that our words only convey a small part of the message we are trying to express. Our body language plays an even bigger role when it comes to influencing others, it is 80% of the confidence you display in the words that you speak. The way that you walk, your posture, the handshake that you give are all sign of the confidence that you have in yourself. When you shake someone’s hand, within those few seconds that person whether consciously or subconsciously have already made an observation of your level of confidence in yourself. The way you carry yourself when you walk into a room or how you stand when you converse with others gives a crucial first impression to the world. Look at yourself in the mirror and speak to yourself, see how you convey your message through your body language. Write down what you see, are you sending the message to the world that you want to transmit? If not, then make small improvements to your body language to better direct that message, you will become more confident. You will be able to influence others in a more effective way. Take the time to notice and develop the body language that you convey, it will make a huge difference in your life.

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