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Use turmoil for fuel


Saturday Persistence

We have all gone through low times in our lives, spans of time where it feels like nothing we do can go right. One thing after another, everything feels like its falling apart. Whether it be at work, at home or in another aspect of life these tough times are not here to stay forever. When you are going through a tough time it feels like an eternity but there is beauty in these times. When in turmoil it can make or break you, showing the true character and strength you have towards life. Turmoil is a beautiful thing because it builds and develop invaluable qualities in ourselves to keep fighting in life. Turmoil is just a test of life, especially when you are pursuing your dreams. Success becomes inevitable for the person that never surrenders along the path. Don’t waste time feeling bad for yourself instead find it within you to take one more step for the reason being is that is where the tide will turn in a grand way. Some of the greatest names in history got their success from embracing turmoil and fighting until success occurred. Lincoln, Ford, Edison and Einstein to name a few. Life will pay whatever price you ask of it, all it asks in return is that you don’t give up no matter what. Champions are made in the depths of despair, knowing that things can only become better. If you are going through a tough time remember to keep fighting for what you believe in, take one more step and watch before your very eyes your life change in a grand way.

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