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One brick at a time


Monday Motivation

When it comes to any worthwhile endeavor in our lives, it is a long arduous process that takes time to accomplish. Lasting success doesn’t occur overnight, it is something that we must take action towards every single day. Our dreams and ambitions in life should be the expectations that we set for ourselves of what’s possible for our lives. Day by day we must build our dreams brick by brick to make them a reality. Keep moving forward and find ways to keep yourself motivated, even if you can’t see the progress you are making. If you are just starting out, lay a strong foundation for yourself to build your dreams upon. Maximize every second and every opportunity that life gives you. You must learn to walk by faith and not by sight. Sight makes us blind to the small progress that we make on a day to day basis. Progress that is essential to achieving our dreams. Set short term and long term goals for your dreams as a means to gauge your progress. By setting these goals it keeps motivation levels high and gives us something to strive for. The most important thing you can use in building the bricks of your dreams is your vision and faith to formulate a plan for success. One brick begins the castle that is your dreams, if you down lay that brick your dreams can never become a reality. Make the effort each day to make your dreams become a reality and one day you will be living the utopia you’ve always dreamed of.

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