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The writing on the wall (your desires)


Thursday Empowerment

Everyone has desires and dreams in their lives, whether they are big or small these dreams excite our spirits and nourish our hearts. But for most of us we allow our dreams and desires to die within ourselves before they can even be brought forth to the light. All that these dreams become is a thought trapped within our imaginations. There is a reason that we are given these dreams and desires in our own minds, they are to show us what we truly want in our lives. They are something that will bring into your life true happiness and fulfillment. Our desires show us our true purpose of what we should make our life’s endeavors. You only get one chance in life and time is continually ticking away so why not chase your dreams? Chase your dreams with all of your heart and soul, for any sacrifice is worth the attainment of your dreams. No matter how grand your ambitions are or how many dreams you have, make every one of them a reality for striving for a new dream is what keeps us young inside. Continual nourishment of the soul is essential for living life to the fullest. Listen to your dreams and desires, they are the foundation of the life you are destined to live. Life is just too short not to chase every single one of your dreams. You are the captain of your own destiny, whether you choose to settle for what life will give you or go out and make the most out of life is entirely up to you. Chase your dreams and live the life that you truly deserve to live.

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