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Comfortable vs. Uncomfortable


Friday Focus

Comfort is something that all humans want to have, it gives us a feeling of security and relaxation in our lives. Most of society strive just to be comfortable in life, to get what they can out of life with as little resistance as possible. Always trying to get something for nothing, waiting for life to release whatever each one of us can get. But in order to have any degree of success, we must be willing to leave our comfort zone in order to attain our dreams. Being comfortable severely limits what is possible for our lives. We must become uncomfortable in order to grow in life and to live up to our full potential. When we are uncomfortable it heightens our senses and makes us give 110% effort. Being uncomfortable goes against the grain of what we know, there is no safety but the rewards far outweigh the risks. It isn’t going to be easy being uncomfortable but it will be worth it in the end. Take the leap of faith towards your dreams, no matter how ambitious they may be. Make the most out of your life because time is scare and incredibly valuable. We must embrace being uncomfortable in order to fulfill our life’s purpose and make the most out of every second of the day. Learn that being uncomfortable is a necessary part of becoming successful in your life’s endeavors. Use it as fuel for your achievements in life and know that being uncomfortable is a stepping stone to success.

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