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Magnetic Forces


Wednesday Word

The universe is comprised of an uncountable number of ether that creates the universe that we live in today. Atoms that have positive and negative charges to them, using magnetic forces of attraction they compose all of the things that are the world we live in. Atoms attract to each other on the smallest level possible and make up every person, building, tree and every other thing on this earth. The law of attraction is a powerful thing, we can learn how to harness this power through our minds. Through the manifestation of our thoughts and guiding by continuous action we may attraction the dreams we desire most into our lives. We must align our thoughts in harmony with what it is we want to achieve most in life. Then focus our thoughts on that one dream, when we do this the law of attraction works in our favor giving us the people, circumstances and events we need to accomplish that dream. But we must take action immediately and never stay idle because if we do the magnetic forces of our dreams weaken. Everything that you want out of life is waiting for you, what you need to do is align your mind and take massive action towards those dreams. Only then will the law of attraction will yield to you and begin to pull towards you everything needed to accomplish those dreams. Use the law of attraction constructively and the only limitation for your success in life is the limit you create in your own mind.

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