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The Journey to the top


Saturday Persistence

Life in itself is a journey that we must go through no matter what. From the time we are born to the time we die, our lives are a precious gift due to the limited time that we have on this earth. For some it is an aimless path with no purpose, only to get by and not get into too much trouble, never really living life for what it’s meant to be. For others they realize the true beauty that life has, living every day as if it where their last. Knowing that the most valuable commodity in life is time. These people chase their dreams and fulfill their purpose in life. Most never even begin the journey to their dreams for the fear of what will happen if they don’t accomplish them. The time will pass no matter what so take the leap of faith and pursue the dreams that you desire so badly. It doesn’t matter where you start your journey, the important part is that you begin the journey. The journey is yours alone and is most important to you. Never limit what’s possible in your journey of life. Take the journey step by step and do whatever it takes to reach your dreams, it will be well worth it in the end. Don’t settle for any reason along the way, know your purpose and keep yourself continually motivated throughout. Keep your vision and have faith in the end result. The journey is the most valuable part of achieving your dreams, it’s who you become as a person in the process that counts. Begin the journey today and reap the rewards that are your dreams.

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