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Walking the tightrope


Monday Motivation

Our dreams are what we should truly be doing with our lives, they should be the priority and the first endeavor that we partake in. For those with the courage to break away from the rest and strive for more out of life it will be a long journey but it will be worth it in the end. When we pursue our dreams we must walk a tightrope between success and failure, a line that will be walked until your dreams become a reality. Keep your head up and don’t look down, it will only deter you from your ultimate goal. Allow your dreams be the guide to balance you while walking this tightrope. Keep absolute faith in yourself every single step of the way, nothing will stop you. It is the leap of faith that we must take in order to achieve the level of success that we desire for our lives. It is a risk that we must take for our lives, make sure that your reward will be blissful in the end. That reward is achieving the purpose that you have found for your life and the legacy that you will leave because of it. Step by step keep walking that tightrope that is your dreams, it is a wonderful adventure that will give your life a deep sense of fulfillment that we all desire.

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