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Wednesday Word

In the world we live in today there are so many diseases and illnesses to count, people every day are getting sick or are diagnosed with a disease. Most of the health problems that we face such as heart disease, diabetes and high cholesterol are preventable with a proper wellness plan. To have sufficient wellness for our lives we must have a balance between mind, body and spirit. With the limited time we have on this earth we must allow our mind, body and spirit to be in a healthy state. Take care of yourself and don’t abuse your body, you will pay the price later in life. Your health that you have and take care of will become your wealth later on in life. To keep your mind healthy by pursuing your passion to keep you young inside. Exercise your mind and body daily in order to keep your energy levels high. Make the effort to grow in all aspects of life because without growth we begin to die. Being healthy is a continuous effort that we must make a priority. The reward of keeping healthy is that we may live our lives to the fullest.

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