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Poverty vs. Wealth


Friday Focus

The two main spectrums in today’s world that gauge a person’s success in life, namely money. In society we are taught at a young age that money is the standard of success and that if you aren’t wealthy you aren’t successful. That is not the case, money is only a meniscal portion of what the definition of success is. Poverty and wealth both teach us valuable lessons about life. Poverty is the rock bottom climb to the top, where countless fortunes have been made out of sheer necessity. Poverty teaches us lessons about being resourceful, building willpower and most of all give us faith to get out of it one day if we have the right mindset. Poverty is the starting point where we can begin to build success for our lives, patiently day by day getting one step closer. Wealth shows us how to be humble if the wealth was self-made, giving money away to charitable causes. Wealth attained without struggle almost never lasts because those people don’t know how to be resourceful with their finances. Money is not the deciding factor in achieving success in life, it is the impact that you have on the world with your life’s purpose. If you are in poverty it’s ok but don’t stay there for too long, it will kill dreams and ambitions. Trust in the journey towards success and once it is attained be humble. Don’t allow either poverty or wealth to decide who you are.

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