Practice vs. Game Time
Any athlete that has participated in a sport knows the excitement when a game comes around. The thrill of winning and the journey of each season makes athletes passionate about the sport they play. For most athletes practice is part of the process, some going through the motions day after day. Champions in each sport on the other hand know the value that practice has when it comes to excelling at their given sport. These champions know that practice is more important than the games, because it allows them to work on their craft. When the games come these elite athletes are able to perform at the highest level possible. They hit the game winning shot, goal or point time and time again. Those on the outside wonder how they did it, the answer to the question is practice. The elite practice as if it was the game, making every single shot count as if the season depended on it. Champions do whatever it takes to win, no matter what the cost or sacrifice to arrive there. This concept applies to every aspect of life, you too can become a champion. Whether it is business, relationships or your dreams, you must put in the practice so when it comes to game time you excel. Day after day you must begin to master your craft so you are ready when the opportunity comes your way. Become the champion you are destined to be in life and grind as if every day was your last.