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Embrace the Darkness


If you are one of those people that have taken the leap of faith towards your dreams, congratulations. You are one of the select few that have broken the limiting shackles of fear and are looking to get more out of your life. When we begin this journey to our dreams it is a long process that takes time, anything that is worthwhile in life takes time. During this long journey there will be times where we won’t be able to see the progress that we make. Day by day we give our maximum effort towards our dreams and it seems as if we are not moving at all. Success seems so far away and giving up is the easy way out. You must not surrender at any point, instead trust in the process and have absolute faith in your purpose. Allow your imagination to run wild because it will unveil the gift that you have for this world. These dark moments are meant to make you stronger and build intangible qualities needed for when you finally attain success. Keep moving forward no matter what because you will eventually see the light.

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