Leadership vs Management
Friday Focus People sometimes get these two concepts intertwined when in reality, they are usually two different positions. Management...
Embracing Failure
Thursday Empowerment Failure is an inevitable part of life, no matter what endeavor you may currently be in. You will fail more times...
Create an energy that others want to be around! Glow with radiance and live the life of your dreams! Believe in yourself! Everything is...
What's Your Why?
Saturday Persistence We all have dreams that we want to attain in life, some just wish for them to come true while others take action and...
Start Now
Thursday Empowerment When it comes to our dreams most of us just wait for the perfect opportunity to come into our lives that will make...
Nothing is impossible in life! Your dreams are never too big to achieve! Chase the impossible and change the world! #impossible...
Scheduling Your Day
Tuesday Transformation In today’s world, everything goes at lightning fast speed. We try to get as many things done as possible in a day...
The Leap of Faith
Monday Motivation What do you truly desire in life? What do you want out of life? We all have a purpose in life, something that gives us...
Sunday Success Story: Michael Jordan
Sunday Success Story “I've missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I've lost almost 300 games. 26 times, I've been trusted to take the...
Seeing the Ultimate Goal
Saturday Persistence We all have one goal that we want to achieve more than anything else. Creating a vision of the end result in your...