Saturday Persistence When it comes to achieving our dreams we must put in the work in order to make them become a reality. For some once...
Adversity vs. Power
Friday Focus Abraham Lincoln once said: “nearly all men can stand adversity but if you want to test a man’s character, give him power.”...
Being Respectful
Tuesday Transformation Being respectful is a quality that we all should have, it allows us to become a more influential person and...
Unlimited Energy
Saturday Persistence When we have found our true purpose in life, the purpose that we are willing to dedicate our efforts towards our...
Influencing Others
Thursday Empowerment There are two types of people in this world, leaders and followers. Leaders are those visionaries that blaze a new...
Wednesday Word Growth is the essence of life, it is inevitable whether we embrace or resist growth. If we want to be successful we can’t...
Defining Success
Monday motivation There are several perceptions of what we define as success in our lives. It is a perception that for each one of us is...
Embrace being uncomfortable
Saturday Persistence In order to get more out of life we have to pay a price for what it is that we desire. Life will ask of us something...
Wednesday Word Faith is an invisible force that can’t be seen but it is all around us. Without faith nothing would be achieved for the...
Listen to your heart
Monday Motivation For every person there is always one thing that excites our soul and gets our heart beating with passion. For most of...