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Adversity vs. Power


Friday Focus

Abraham Lincoln once said: “nearly all men can stand adversity but if you want to test a man’s character, give him power.” This is a true statement, most of us are able to overcome an immense amount of adversity for our lives. Defeat after defeat we are able to get back up and keep fighting. Adversity strengthens our resolve towards achieving our dreams. Your dreams have an immense power on your life, it is worth going through the adversity to achieve them. You are powerful beyond measure, never allow someone to tell you otherwise. Adversity and power go hand in hand, they are both necessary to attain success in life. Once we have achieved our dreams we must have the control to use our power in a positive manner. Don’t abuse your power because if you do you will quickly lose it. Have the patience to go through the adversities in your life and the character to use your power in the right way.

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