Bliss vs. Utopia
These two words convey indescribable beauty and powerful emotions. Bliss being the ultimate form of happiness, having a deep sense of joy...
Adversity vs. Power
Friday Focus Abraham Lincoln once said: “nearly all men can stand adversity but if you want to test a man’s character, give him power.”...
Wednesday Word Faith is an invisible force that can’t be seen but it is all around us. Without faith nothing would be achieved for the...
Wednesday Word Most of society use wealth to measure the success that a man or woman has in life, the dollars and cents accumulated to...
Addiction vs Obsession
Friday Focus Addiction is a destructive habit that can ruin our lives, crippling us and never allowing us to reach our full potential....
Wednesday Word There is one emotion that is so powerful that it can possess others to do inconceivable things, push themselves to great...
Don't Let Material Possessions Control You
Saturday Persistence No matter what degree of success that we achieve in our lifetime, Opportunities to possess more things become more...
Loving Yourself First
Tuesday Transformation We as humans have love genetically coded into our DNA. We express it through our emotions and actions towards...
The Leap of Faith
Monday Motivation What do you truly desire in life? What do you want out of life? We all have a purpose in life, something that gives us...
Seeing the Ultimate Goal
Saturday Persistence We all have one goal that we want to achieve more than anything else. Creating a vision of the end result in your...