Addiction vs Obsession
Friday Focus
Addiction is a destructive habit that can ruin our lives, crippling us and never allowing us to reach our full potential. Obsession when used correctly is something that is constructive in the attainment of massive success in our life’s endeavors. With addiction there is no potential unless constructively treated. Addiction can teach valuable life lessons but it can’t help attain your dream life. Obsession can be destructive as well if not used correctly. In order to create a constructive obsession you must find what you are passionate about in life. Then make it the fuel to take your life to the level that you truly desire. Make your dreams the obsessions of your life, it will create a life of bliss. You must realize that if you want more out of life you must be obsessed with your current endeavor in life. Giving it your absolute all, never settling until you get it. Others will think negatively because you may spend the majority of your time chasing your dreams but in the end it is always worth it. Obsess over making every one of your dreams a reality and do not allow addiction to have any part in your life.