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Emotions Are Your Resources

Thursday Empowerment

Our emotions are powerful resources within our minds. They are a manifestation of the thoughts that we have within our conscious and subconscious mind. Emotions are the precursor to the actions that we take in life. Whether those emotions are positive or negative our emotions help shape the realities around us. In order to have a positive life you must fill your mind with positive emotions and constructively use any negative emotions as fuel. Working day in and day out to learn to control your emotions, continuously striving to become who you want to be in life. Through your emotions you can tell where your life is going and be able to change that direction to positively impact your life. You and you alone are the master of your emotions. Don’t allow anyone to dissuade your emotions in any way to negatively impact your life. Once you can learn to comprehend this fact then you can work towards mastering your emotions. When you master your emotions then you may begin to master the precursor of action that is absolutely essential to success. Begin to shape your emotions through your thoughts and create a positive atmosphere for your life. Once accomplished you have tapped into a powerful resource that will take you a long way to achieving your dreams in life. Use your emotions constructively in the attainment of your dreams. They will begin to create the needed people, circumstances and events into your life to make them become a reality.

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