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Thoughts are the Seed


Monday Motivation

Everything that we know in our day to day realities, the people, events and circumstances that comprise our lives start with one form of energy, that powerful energy is thought. Our lives are the manifestations of the thoughts we think on both a conscious and subconscious level of our minds. Whether these thoughts are positive or negative in nature when given enough energy they manifest into our daily lives. Thoughts are a form of energy, a vibration that cannot be conceived through the five senses. Instead thoughts are perceived as an invisible force that emanates throughout the universe. Our minds are both a broadcasting and receiving station for this form of energy with our imagination being an important catalyst. When organized into multiple thoughts, this energy becomes the dreams and desires that we have for our lives. Thoughts are the precursors to action, when turned into dreams our thoughts nourish our soul and immediate action should be taken to make those thoughts a reality. We must nurture our thoughts, they are the seeds that grow your future and one day will carry you to greatness. Make it your main priority to turn your thoughts into reality, especially your dreams, they hold immense power for your life. Allow your imagination to run wild and the limits of what is possible for your life will disappear. The dreams that you hold within your life becomes your only limitation.

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